This observation was uploaded from NatureServe's Ecological Observations Database (EcoObs), version 13 June 2016. Some data values may be midpoints of EcoObs classes (e.g. stratum height, slope, aspect).
Plot is representative of the species composition of the barrens. The density of T3 Quercus palustris, Kalmia latifolia, and Quercus ilcifolia varies from dense to patchy and low shrubs drop out under the dense tall shrubs.
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
--no data--
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Observation Narrative
This community needs a special designation for tall thick Kalmia latifolia and Quercus ilcifolia. There is also a good portion of the stand that has thick low heath under the thick tall shrubs,